Monday, February 04, 2008

it's a crazy world


it's already february. [how did that happen!?] my first audition is this friday, at eastman, and then it's successive stressing out every 3 or so days for the next 2 weeks. and then it will be over. the relief is almost palpable. luckily, my voice teacher and i have been making some real progress lately, which unfortunately means reworking a lot of things, but is totally worth it in the process. she is pushing me harder than i sometimes like, but i need it and boy, is it paying off. this is exciting stuff. [you can take my word for it.]

this weekend was less than relaxing; though i did have a little time to just chill out, i generally did not get enough sleep and was running around trying to get everything done. however, i did have a really great time watching the superbowl with a good friend [whose poor heart was crushed at the outcome] at rit with a bunch of nerdy [but really nice!] boys [who, coincidentally, almost all had really terrible haircuts. just an observation]. there were about 20 people there, and i single-handedly made up half the female population. represent.

i've also started 'tumbling.' i think i am not going to post the link [at least right now], so i can keep things tidy and separated [plus also write whatever dumb thing pops in my heads over there!]. and now i must go study mozart before i fall asleep. goodnight, dear reader[s].

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