Tuesday, September 09, 2008

exploring other blogging avenues.

including pencil and paper.

check back another time.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

another update-y post

sorry kids. someday i will explore my feelings on world hunger or the media's treatment of women in our culture, but to be honest i usually blog about issues elsewhere.

jobs: macaroni grill + philharmonic orchestra box office lackey. pretty awesome.
the part that i don't like is that i basically have no life. i get maybe one night off per week, simply because i'm working days at the office and nights at the mac shack. as one of my good friends put it, "you were much more fun when you were around." on the other hand, i'm glad not to have too much free time, as that is dangerous for me.
but luckily, between the two jobs, i should be making enough money to pay rent and start paying back my loans, which is a good thing. i even have health insurance. it's a beautiful world.
what else is going on with me? uh, nothing. just working, and sometimes running or playing tennis with roomie if we're both home at the same time.
oh yeah! we got an apartment. it will be awesome. so excited.

all is well.

oh yeah, i'm reading "velvet elvis" by rob bell. i highly recommend it.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

the skinny

it's been a crazy few weeks. this is going to be one of those update-y posts. sorry.

job: i got a job serving at the macaroni grill, which i'm sure will be interesting and i'm hoping makes ends meet. we'll see. at least i know people there.
my schedule has been crazy between trying to work both jobs (i've also been filling in the office while the boss is away), getting to opera rehearsals, and trying to have some semblance of a social life, which i am perhaps spending too much time on.
apartment: good for the summer. i am moving into the city with a male friend of mine come september, and i can't wait. hopefully we can find something non-sketchy and non-ridiculously priced. here's hoping.

i'm too tired to write any more.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

oh man oh man oh man

1.5 weeks left of my being an undergraduate student. weird.

things on my mind at the moment:
where am i going to work this summer/upcoming year?
how will i be able to pay my bills?
what am i going to sleep on?
will i ever get out of north chili?
when am i going to write my dumb honors paper?
what will dr. berry do if i never write my logs for senior sem?
what am i going to do with myself?

oddly enough, although some part of me is most certainly freaking out right now, i feel pretty calm about the whole thing. i really feel like God wants me here, so He won't let me starve. right?

Monday, April 28, 2008

i'm doing it!!

i am taking the year off. i feel...relieved. and only a little like a slacker. but mostly peaceful and less worried that life is going to be crazier than it needs to be. i feel like this is what i need to be doing, and here is where i need to be, so i am trusting that the Lord will provide a way for me to stay. the job-scene is a little scary, to be honest, but i'm sure i'll be fine. i think i should be more worried.

i'm sorry that my blog is "here's what's going on in my life" time. this seems to be the way i keep up with some people, so i guess that's why it's mostly updates. perhaps sometime i will post my ridiculous opinions about some issue or other, but for now i think it's going to stay this way. i don't have extra brain-power for opinions.

which [so clearly and logically] brings me to my next thought: free time. WHOA. crazy concept. i seem to have some of this now? today....i took a nap. yes, you read that right. i slept for two whole hours. during the day. and i had a crazy dream where i took my station wagon over jumps and turned into judy garland.

closing thought: i hate post-break-up awkwardness. it is completely unnecessary, and it makes me sad. i guess that's what i get.